Galmudug state electoral delegates elected four lawmakers including one female to the House of the People of Federal Parliament today...
The European Union on Thursday “strongly” condemned an attack on a kindergarten in the Stanytsia Luhanska settlement under the Ukrainian...
The State Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Government of Somalia, His Excellency Balal Mohamed Osman,...
Court of Armed Forces of Somalia sentenced SNA soldier to death penalty after finding him guilt of being behind the...
Turkiye on Thursday condemned recent terror attacks in Somalia, which have killed at least 11 people and injured more than...
South West Electoral Implementation Committee announces the time schdule for the election of 13 parlimintary seats for the Ferderal Parlimant...
An estimated 4.3 million people have been affected by the severe drought which is ravaging several parts of Somalia, up...
Somalia on Tuesday received an urgent humanitarian package from United Arab Emirates at Aden Abdulle Airport in Mogadishu, becoming the...
The UK’s Special Envoy for Famine Prevention and Humanitarian Affairs, Nick Dyer, visited Somalia this week to call for a...
President of Galmudug State of Somalia H.E Ahmed Abdi Kariye (Qoor-Qoor) met with the UK Ambassador to Somalia Ms. Kate...
Tartan cilmiyeedka bisha Ramadaan oo galay sanadkii Shan iyo tobnaad oo ay qabaneyso Warbaahinta Qaranka, isla markaana si toos ah...
Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xamsa Cabdi Barre, oo magacaabay Agaasimeyaal Guud iyo Xoghayaha Joogtada ah ee Wasaaradda...
Wasiirka Maaliyadda XFS Mudane Biixi Imaan Cige ayaa maanta kulan miro-dhal ah la yeeshay Wafdi ka socda Midowga Yurub oo...
Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Mudane Xamsa Cabdi Barre, ayaa xafiiskiisa ku qaabilay Agaasimaha Bangiga Adduunka u qaabilsan dalalka...
Radio Muqdisho waxaa la aas aasay 1951 sagaal sano ka hor xorriyadda dalka, laga soo bilaabo 1960 ilaa maanta waa Raadiyaha kaliya ee Dalku leeyahay, wuxuuna leeyahay keyd weyn oo ay ku jirto taariikhda wadanka.
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