At least three protesters were killed on Thursday amid rallies that took place in different areas across Sudan, including its...
Commissioner of the Somali Police Force, Major General Abdi Hassan Mohamed has on Thursday ordered forces to stay aside from...
Somali National Army chief, Brigadier General Odawa Yusuf Rage has today on Wednesday cleared the SNA position towards the ongoing...
“Women see life differently to men, so it’s important they tell their own stories,” says Zaima Abdi Ali, camera in...
The commemoration of 78th anniversary of the Somali Police foundation was held today on Saturday at the General Kahiye Police Academy...
For now, Ethiopian troops will stay in two liberated regions and not cross into the war-ravaged northern region of Tigray,...
The United Nations and humanitarian partners have released the 2022 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) for Somalia — a country now...
The Turkish Red Crescent on Monday delivered at least 4,253 food packages donated by the Turkish government to drought-stricken families...
President of federal republic of Somalia H.E, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo has received Somali doctors from Mogadishu’s Erdogan hospital who are...
The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, H.E Abdisaid Muse Ali, participated today in the 17th Extraordinary Session of...
Tartan cilmiyeedka bisha Ramadaan oo galay sanadkii Shan iyo tobnaad oo ay qabaneyso Warbaahinta Qaranka, isla markaana si toos ah...
Guddoomiyaha Hay'adda Maareynta Musiibooyinka Qaranka Maxamuud Macallin Cabdulle iyo ku-xigeenka ergeyga gaarka ah ee Xoghayaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobay u...
Tartan cilmiyeedka bisha Ramadaan oo galay sanadkii Shan iyo tobnaad oo ay qabaneyso Warbaahinta Qaranka, isla markaana si toos ah...
Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xamsa Cabdi Barre, oo magacaabay Agaasimeyaal Guud iyo Xoghayaha Joogtada ah ee Wasaaradda...
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