Galmudug state security forces have repulsed a terrorist attack carried by the Al-Shabaab group on Bahdo district, which resulted in...
FM H.E. Mr. Abdisaid Muse Ali, on Wednesday inaugurated a 3-week long diplomatic training organized by the Diplomatic Institute at...
The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, H.E. Mr. Abdisaid Muse Ali, received on Tuesday, a phone call from...
Somalia’s Prime Minister H.E Mohamed Hussain Roble, accompanied by FMS leaders met with representatives of the International community to discuss...
The Minister of Labor and Social Affairs of the Federal Government of Somalia, HE Abdiwahab Ugas Hussein Ugas Khalif received...
Authorities said on Tuesday they had finally contained a suspected arson fire at South Africa's parliament building after a second-day...
The United States on Saturday cut Ethiopia, Mali and Guinea from access to a duty-free trade program, following through on...
A blaze erupted at the South African parliament early on Sunday, with flames bursting from the roof of a building...
Puntland security forces in Galkayo seized a variety of weapons and displayed them at the Mudug Regional Police Headquarters in...
A fire broke out in the commercial market of Hodan district this morning which caused extensive damage, in the Sebiyaano...
Guddoomiyaha Hay'adda Maareynta Musiibooyinka Qaranka Maxamuud Macallin Cabdulle iyo ku-xigeenka ergeyga gaarka ah ee Xoghayaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobay u...
Tartan cilmiyeedka bisha Ramadaan oo galay sanadkii Shan iyo tobnaad oo ay qabaneyso Warbaahinta Qaranka, isla markaana si toos ah...
Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xamsa Cabdi Barre, oo magacaabay Agaasimeyaal Guud iyo Xoghayaha Joogtada ah ee Wasaaradda...
Wasiirka Maaliyadda XFS Mudane Biixi Imaan Cige ayaa maanta kulan miro-dhal ah la yeeshay Wafdi ka socda Midowga Yurub oo...
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